What control do I have over Echo's input?

Echo features a simple but effective method for controlling which emails you want the software to process based upon who sent them. You can assign behavior based upon either email address or domain, so you can choose to include emails from a single user or an entire company. At first, all emails arriving will be added to the gray list. From there, an administrator can sort them into the Black list, indicating that future emails from that sender should be discarded, or into the White list, indicating that future emails from that sender should be processed.


What management features does Echo offer?

Echo offers several useful management tools, primarily focusing on productivity monitoring. The software keeps records about the information it processes, including the number of emails sent or received, the number and type of offerings identified, the number of potential matches generated and the number of matches successfully negotiated based on leads provided by Echo. Using the Echo analytics dashboard, you can view all this data from the level of a company-wide overview all the way to the level of individual users. A number of built-in sorting and filtering options help you find exactly the information you're looking for.

Besides productivity monitoring, Echo also features a simple but effective system for controlling which emails are processed by the software, allowing you to configure which companies' emails you want Echo to examine. Finally, Echo includes the ability to send customized newsletters to your users periodically, to educate and remind them about the benefits Echo has to offer.

How can I interact with Echo?

Echo's administration interface offers several useful features. After signing in, the default window allows you to view emails currently in the grey list and sort them into other categories. The Offerings window allows you to see offerings extracted by Echo, including those the software has estimated as being correct and those it estimates as being incorrect. This screen also allows manual corrections to be made to incorrect offerings.

The User Management window allows you to view the users your organization has registered with Echo. From here you can also modify existing user records or create new users.

The Analytics window allows you to view the records of user activity kept by Echo. Total counts of incoming and outgoing offerings organized by type are displayed, along with a count of potential matches generated. By default, this information is displayed as a company-wide overview with total counts for every month and the total count generated for each of your company's offices. Navigating this window allows you to see data for a single office, including the totals for each user in that office, or to see detailed records of the activity of a single user. Summaries of the emails from which offerings were generated are also available, as are general overviews of total user activity.

What control do I have over Echo's input?

Echo features a simple but effective method for controlling which emails you want the software to process based upon who sent them. You can assign behavior based upon either email address or domain, so you can choose to include emails from a single user or an entire company. At first, all emails arriving will be added to the grey list. From there, an administrator can sort them into the black list, indicating that future emails from that sender should be discarded, or into the white list, indicating that future emails from that sender should be processed.